腐烂国度2闪退怎么办 腐烂国度2更新后游戏闪退解决方法
2021-07-15 02:10  浏览:1
腐烂国度2在5月22日更新之后,许多玩家都被卡在游戏Logo界面之后就闪退了。官方也对此给出了解决方法。Xbox版的玩家需要联系官方邮箱。下面就带来腐烂国度2更新后游戏闪退解决方法。,腐烂国度2闪退怎么办,机翻,2018年5月22日,我们正在继续调查一个问题,即玩家启动游戏并查看游戏徽标,但游戏关闭后没有错误信息。,如果您在Xbox上遇到此问题,请发送电子邮件至[email protected],并详细描述正在发生的事情以及您的Gamertag。如果您在PC上遇到此问题,请按照以下步骤操作。,看看游戏启动日志。,获取启动日志:,按WinKey + R,粘贴%localappdata%\ Packages \ Microsoft.Dayton_8wekyb3d8bbwe \ LocalState \ StateOfDecay2 \ Saved \ Logs然后单击确定,将StateOfDecay2.launch.log复制到您的桌面,如果日志以“无法选择D3D11适配器”结束,请再次检查是否已安装最新的Windows更新,更新了视频卡驱动程序,并重新启动了机器,然后再次尝试启动游戏。,如果这些修补程序不起作用,或者日志以其他任何内容结束,请将它和您拥有的任何其他信息(DxDiags,存储日志,事件查看器日志等)发送到[email protected],以便我们可以进一步调查。,官方原文,We are continuing to investigate an issue where players launch the game and see the game logo but the game then closes with no error message.,If you are hitting this issue on your Xbox please email [email protected] with a detailed description of what is happening and your Gamertag. If you are hitting this issue on your PC please follow these steps.,Look at the game startup log.,Getting Startup Logs:,Press WinKey + R,Paste%localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.Dayton_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\StateOfDecay2\Saved\Logsand click OK,Copy StateOfDecay2.launch.log to your desktop,If the log ends with “Failed to choose a D3D11 Adapter.” then please double check that you have installed the latest windows updates, updated your video card driver, and rebooted your machine before trying again to launch the game.,If those fixes don’t work, or the log ends with anything else, please send it and any other information you have (DxDiags, store logs, event viewer logs, etc.) to [email protected] so we can investigate further.